Journey through life and ministry
Rev. Bryant Butler was born and raised in Chicago, IL. He accepted the call to the ministry at the age of fifteen while serving as a Junior Deacon, Junior Sunday School Superintendent, and a member of the School of Christian growth at United Baptist Church. After preaching his first public sermon, he was selected to lead United’s first Children’s church, which served children ages 6-12. This ministry quickly grew from meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month to meeting every Sunday and becoming a pivotal part of the church.
After graduating from high school, Rev. Butler enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF) as a Security Forces Member. After completing basic training and the Security Forces Academy, Rev. Butler was assigned to Offutt Air Force Base (AFB) NE. While serving at Offutt AFB, Rev. Butler joined the Zion Baptist Church. There he held the position of Youth Pastor. He also attended the University of Nebraska, studying Criminal Justice.
In 2002, he relocated to Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, continuing to work as a Security Forces Member. He joined the Phillips Temple CME Church. His ministry included teaching the new members class, serving in the Pastoral Care ministry, and on the intercessory prayer and security teams. In Ohio, he continued his education and met the love of his life, Telma Marie Jenkins.
Rev. Butler retired from the USAF in 2015 and began a second career as a Rural Carrier at the United States Post Office. Rev. Butler has an Associates Degree in Security Administration from the Community College of the Air Force, an Associates Degree in Law Enforcement, and a Bachelors of Science degree in Criminal Justice, both from Park University. Rev. Butler, his wife, and two children, Bryant Trent and Blake Aiden, live in Dayton, OH.